Navigation through the individual stations

Blacksmith’s Shop / Hammer Mill
The sun and water – two ancient and ingenious companions. One provides energy, the other stores energy and makes it ready for use!

Dragon Bridge
At dizzying heights above the Dragon Gorge, where the forces of Nature dug a deep ditch and the dragon‘s misfortune started.

PS Route
How much power do you have in you? Try, compare and marvel!

Sun Temple
The light: neither fish, nor fowl, nor wave, nor matter – but the source of all life. Try to catch it and learn to understand it!

Sun and Earth Model
It’s so hard to imagine the scale of these things! To get an idea, you have to take the biggest step of your life!

Solar Calendar
Our forefathers and ancestors have already discovered this secret and used it diligently. It is quite simple yet very effective!

Windy Palace
Let‘s go and visit the big showoff. There‘s also a challenge for the dragon seven difficult questions to answer and only one solution!

Charcoal Pile
Will the dragon manage to release the energy from the Tree of Life? Here, he must prove it!

Dragon Express
Let‘s move on to the dragon‘s next heroic deeds, quite far uphill and very close to the real star of Nature’s wonderland.

Tree of Life
More efficient than any nuclear power plant and 100% environmentally friendly, it is an indispensable source of energy and strength for humans and animals alike!

Walking Theatre
We humans come up with brilliant, shrewd and impressive ways of generating energy! But that’s nothing compared to what Mother Nature can do!

Dragon's Seat
The little dragon with the massive feet’s adventurous hike starts at the Graggl-Tümpfe pools!